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MSC Course ❋ 8 Weeks

The MSC course is a training course in (self-)compassion and is like a journey that is also an adventure in self-knowledge and self-kindness. The course consists of meditations, short lectures, self-awareness exercises, sharing in the group and exercises to do at home. It provides participants with a direct experience of self-compassion and to practice practices that allow self-compassion to arise in everyday life. Mindful self-compassion is an inner attitude of kindness, understanding and caring towards ourselves – especially in difficult moments of life.  In the course, we learn to approach ourselves in the same understanding and supportive way as we would a good friend.

Self-compassion has the paradoxical effect of both caring for us in the face of our emotional suffering and opening us up to the pain we may have been holding unconsciously for a long time. During the course, distressing feelings will emerge alongside many pleasant ones as we grow in our ability to experience and to be with them. The course offers a safe and supportive setting in a small group where this process can unfold. It is open to all who are interested; meditation experience is not necessary to participate. All are welcome!


In the MSC 8 Week Course, you will learn the following:

  • Be less critical and hard on yourself
  • Apply mindfulness and self-compassion in everyday life
  • Experience for yourself the proven positive effects of self-compassion
  • Deal with difficult feelings more calmly
  • Motivating yourself with kindness instead of self-criticism
  • Transform challenging relationships
  • To better deal with caring fatigue

Dates: Fall 2024

My next 8-week course will be a course on FIERCE SELF-COMPASSION and taught with my colleague Wiebke Pausch in the winter of 2024. Prerequisite: You already have attended the 8-week program or the MSC Intensive with us or another teacher.

  • dates: tba
  • usually takes place in the evening from 18:30h – 21:00 CET (2,5 hours)
  • retreat on a Saturday or Sunday from 10.00h – 14.00 CET (4 hours)
  • location: online on Zoom


The course consists of 8 sessions of 2,5 hours each and a 4-hour retreat including guided meditations to download as mp3. Sliding scale: 430,- € reduced / 480,- € normal rate / 530,- € for supporters. Early bird fee of 430,- € available until October 1, 2024.


To register for the course please send me an email:

Teachers Anja & Wiebke